The Imaginative Potential of Everyday objects: Do this while I wait at the Mattress Factory

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The Imaginative Potential of Everyday objects: Do this while I wait at the Mattress Factory

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The Imaginative Potential of Everyday objects: Do this while I wait at the Mattress Factory

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The Imaginative Potential of Everyday objects: Do this while I wait at the Mattress Factory By Cynthia Stucki with Lydia Rosenberg Lydia Rosenberg, installation view of Do this while I wait (2023), Image courtesy of Tom Little The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author. They do not reflect […]

The Imaginative Potential of Everyday objects: Do this while I wait at the Mattress Factory

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Bunker Talk: “Tits: (Re)Disciplining the Gaze” by Vina Nweke

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Bunker Talk: “Tits: (Re)Disciplining the Gaze” by Vina Nweke

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Bunker Talk: “Tits: (Re)Disciplining the Gaze” by Vina Nweke

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“Tits: (Re)Disciplining the Gaze,” a presentation by artist Vina Nweke @_muanya_ on their practice and the series of sculptures titled “Tits”. Date streamed: Saturday, Nov. 18th. The “Tits” sculpture series explores the politics of representation, sensuality and the gaze. In their essay “Tits,” published in the Bunker Review’s Hand-Off series, Nweke reflects on their creative process and […]

Bunker Talk: “Tits: (Re)Disciplining the Gaze” by Vina Nweke

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The Hand-Off, Uncategorized

Self: cutting up definitions of value

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Self: cutting up definitions of value

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Self: cutting up definitions of value

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Review by Kelly Sheridan Installation view of Self (2023) 9/26/23​ The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author. They do not reflect the opinions or views of Bunker Projects or its members. All images courtesy of Contemporary Craft unless otherwise indicated. Self was a two person exhibition at Contemporary Craft that invited the community […]

Self: cutting up definitions of value

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